Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Prevent Teenage Pregnancy

                             My self Ayesha, working in a group to run a campaign for a college project. we are total five group members and everyone is doing her job with full passion. It's a South Asian campaign to "Prevent Teen Pregnancy". 

                             A lot of things we are going to do for this project. It's a long project and we all are very much determined to achieve good result. Slogan for our campaign is "CHILDREN SHOULDN'T RAISE CHILDREN".
                            Basically Teenage Pregnancy is pregnancy in females under the age of 20 at the time that the pregnancy ends. Teenage pregnancy is a public health concern both in developing and developed world. In developed countries, teenage pregnancies are often associated with social issues, including lower educational levels, higher rates of poverty, and other poorer life outcomes in children of teenage mothers. Teenage pregnancy in developed countries is usually outside of marriage, and carries a social stigma in may communities and cultures. By contrast, teenage parents in developing countries are often married, and their pregnancies welcomed by family and society. However, in these societies, early pregnancy may combine with malnutrition and poor health care to cause medical problem. 
  • The Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy seeks to improve the lives and future prospects of children and families.
  •  We support a combination of responsible values and behavior by both men and women and responsible policies in both the public and private sectors.
    Prevent Teenage Pregnancy
                       One of the reason for teenage pregnancy is the early marriages and in South Asian region, early marriages are very common. The rate of early marriage is higher in rural regions than it is in urbanized areas. Specially Bangladesh is the country where teen pregnancy is very common either after marriage or before it. 

                       There are many causes for teenage pregnancy e.g lack of parental guidance, adolescent sexual behavior, exploitation by older men, socio-economic factors and many more. On the contrary, there are many effects on the girl such as emotional and mental effects. The mental effects are very dangerous because in this state of mind a girl even can do a suicide.
                       In the end, we may conclude that
      reducing unplanned pregnancy will increase the proportion of children born into circumstances that better support their growth and development. Strengthen a culture of personal responsibility, provide more education to teens, parents and young adults in their 20's. By reducing teen pregnancy, we can improve the lives of young people and strengthening the communities.
                      We have made a billboards, banner, brochures, visiting cards, membership cards, a television ad, radio ad, newspaper ad and documentary to prevent teen pregnancy. In documentary, all the five group members are performing. For the work of documentary we went to one of our group member and shot all the scenes. I assembled all the data into a final document and made a design for billboard and made a slogan to make our campaign more effective.I have arranged the doctor for the interview which we included in the documentary. I have arranged venue for the television ad. I have recorded voice for the radio advertisement.  I have experienced a lot of new things during this period of time, many things came into my knowledge. It's a big project for us to learn things. 

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